Childbirth Education

“If you don’t know your options, you don’t have any”

-Diane Korte

Lamaze Classes


  • Corinne now works with Modesto Birth and Beyond as a Childbirth Educator, Birth Doula, and Postpartum Doula.

  • Please visit our website if you need help with any of these services:

  • Fill out our intake form if you are interested in Lamaze Classes:


*We offer Group and Private Classes

In July of 2020 I had my first child and I could not imagine doing it without taking the with Corinne! I was so, so nervous but Corinne was so knowledgeable and thorough during those classes that when it was time to have my baby I was so confident. I knew my rights as a new mother, I understood so much more because of her. She messaged me after my birth to check in and see how I was doing.

-Aida Brown